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Scroll On Down...
and have a laugh on us!
They all think
they’re inventors.
First Mistake Ever.
Novel isn’t always Better!
Patent Pending
Genetically Patentable
The real way to
settle a patent dispute.
Don’t We Wish.
What the – – – – ?
The Client We Never Want.
I wish he was a “Yes Man”
The Modest Inventor
There is never enough time…
Who said the wheel was the greatest invention?
Lost Property
First to File.
In the jungle,
the mighty jungle,
the attorney sleeps tonight.
the mighty jungle,
the attorney sleeps tonight.
Some clients are
just not worth taking on.
Just when you thought
you were safe…
Are they really all good Ideas?
Is it patentable?
Just when you
thought you’ve seen it all.
Should have patented it.
Reinventing yourself.
Optimism and
the Patent Attorney
The First Patent Attorney
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
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